Monday, May 28, 2012

Convert your FAT32 Hard Disk into NTFS Format

Understanding NTFS and FAT32 Hard Disk Formats

Choosing between NTFS and FAT32 file systems is a comparatively simple task. Basically put, NTFS is the better option when you need to deploy it on a windows computer process. Not only because of the speed improvements but also because of its multiple features. It is not advisable though for transportable media since most devices and other operating systems have a difficulty or are outright unable to access NTFS drives.

NTFS stands for new expertise file technique or network expertise file technique. In NTSF partition size can be of two TB or more. and file size can be 16 TB. file/folder encryption is done. and it supports file name character up to 255.

FAT32 stands for File allocation table. in FAT32 partition size can be Up to two TB. and file size can be four GB. File / folder encryption is impossible in FAT32. and it supports file name character up to 8.3.

Steps on How To Convert FAT32 Format into NTFS Format Hard Disk in Windows XP

1.   Click on Start Menu
2. Show All Programs Options
3. Select Accessories
4. Command Prompt. A new Windows will open up. Shortcut Keys to open  a command prompt by typing command or cmd in the run.
5.   Type convert x: /fs:ntfs /v, where x is the drive you want to convert, and press Enter.
6.  To convert your D: drive, for example, you type convert d: /fs:ntfs /v. Windows may tell you that it can’t convert the volume because it is in use by another process .
Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? (Y/N)
7. Type “Y” without quotes and press Enter. Windows may tell you that it cannot dismount the volume and ask if you would like to schedule it to be converted the next time the system restarts (Y/N)?
8. Choose yes by typing “Y” and press Enter.
9. Restart your computer to see the newly change settings.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Import and Export Microsoft Outlook Data Files from One Computer to Another

Microsoft Outlook files were compress in a file with an extension file .pst. PST files or Personal Storage Tables files was an Microsoft Outlook compressed files that composed of e-mail messages, contacts, task, and calendar. It also includes e-mail accounts settings that a user configures in a specific Microsoft Outlook application with in the computer where it was installed.
Import and Export  Microsoft Outlook Data Files from One Computer to Another

Export Microsoft Outlook Data using Microsoft Outlook Application
1. Open Microsoft Outlook Application
2. Navigate to to file menu > Import and Export
Import and Export  Microsoft Outlook Data Files from One Computer to Another

3. Select Import to a file and Click Next
4. Choose Personal Folder File (.pst), click Next
Import and Export  Microsoft Outlook Data Files from One Computer to Another

5. Browse the folder you want to export. If you want to export the whole Microsoft Outlook Data Select the main file folder  “ Personal Folders”, check the check box “include subfolders” and Click Next
6. Browse the folder or drive where you want to save the exported Microsoft outlook Data files, click Next
7. On the options select the actions you want to perform in duplicate items in case there is. There are three options indicated that you can choose for, “Replace duplicates with the items exported”, “allow duplicate items to be created”, and “Do not export duplicate items”. After selecting click Finished.
Import and Export  Microsoft Outlook Data Files from One Computer to Another

Import the Microsoft Outlook Files from Back-up to New Destination Computer
1. Open Microsoft Outlook Application
2. Navigate to File > import and Export
Import and Export  Microsoft Outlook Data Files from One Computer to Another

3. Select the Option “from another program or file” click next
4. Choose Personal Folder (.pst) type of file click Next
5. Browse the folder where you save your exported data from another computer and click Next
6. Select the folder where you want to place the imported files and data
7. Click finish

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Checking your Computer's IP Address in Windows XP

IP or Internet Protocol address is the computers identity in web. Every computer has its Public IP and Private IP. Private IP is the computers personal IP address within the Local Area Connection (LAN). Every computer that connection has its own IP Address, example is Public IP is an IP address that visible to user users in the internet. This method only applicable for computer that running in Windows XP Operating system.

Checking your Computer's IP Address in Windows XP

How to view your computer IP address
1. Click on your computer's Start Menu
2. Right click on "My Network Connection" for windows XP.
3. Double click the Icon or link labeled "Local area Connection" found under LAN or High Speed Internet.
4. Navigate to Support Tab
5. Under the Connection status you can see your computer IP address, here is a sample
Address Type    : Assigned by DHCP
IP Address          :
Subnet Mask     :
Default Gateway:

To see the detailed properties of your computer network connection like physical IP address, DHCP server, Lease Obtained, Lease expires, DNS Servers, and WINS server click the Details Tab.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to Play Xbox Live games on your windows phone

If you are a fan of the smartphone, then you must have heard of the Windows Phone. This is actually an operating system created by Microsoft and is basically a sequel to their Windows Mobile platform. The best thing about this smartphone is that it is created specifically for users such as yourself who like their phones technical and easy to use at the same time. They also created a user interface via a design language called Metro that has little to no negative effect on the hardware which operates it.

This makes this phone ideal for gaming! Yes, you read right! What if you knew you can actually play Xbox Live games on it? You can download all of them from the Windows Phone Marketplace.

How To View Your Profile

You can also take a look at your Xbox LIVE gamer profile, your friends’ profiles, messages and even customise your avatar using on your Windows Phone by following the given steps:
  • Tap ‘Games’ on your Windows Phone.
  • Flick to the left until you find your avatar and then select gamertag.
  • Go left to have a look at your friends, accomplishments and any messages you may have.

How to Invite Friends for a Game

If the Xbox game that you have requires a second player to play it, then you can also invite other players (like your friends) to play with you via their own consoles or Windows Phones. This feature is particularly useful for turn based games in which players have to play one by one and when you have no idea when your turn will come. So, to avoid a panic attack, invite your friends by:
  • Tap the ‘Games’ option on your Windows Phone.
  • Select the game you’re interested in.
  • Tap the multi-player option if the game requires more than one player.
  • Read and follow the on-screen instructions which will allow you to invite your friends from the contact list or email addresses saved in your smartphone.

As soon as you complete this procedure, your friends will receive your game invite through their own Windows Phones. This will also include instructions telling them how to join in on the game via their smartphones or online. 

*** A guest post from Toni Atkinson

Monday, May 21, 2012

Charotero now exchanges link to BC Bloggers

In order to increase my daily blog traffic, now exchanges reciprocal links on BC Bloggers. BC Bloggers is a links exchange programs made especially for blogs. In order to be enclosed in a links exchange program you will need to put a BC Bloggers banner link in your blog.


What does Link Exchange means?

According to Wikipedia, a link exchange is a confederation of websites that operates similarly to a web ring. Webmasters register their web sites with a central organization, that runs the exchange, and in turn receive from the exchange HTML code which they insert into their web pages. In contrast to a web ring, where the HTML code simply comprises simple circular ring navigation hyperlinks, in a link exchange the HTML code causes the display of banner advertisements, for the sites of other members of the exchange, on the member web sites, and webmasters have to create such banner advertisements for their own web sites.

Benefits of Links exchange Program

·         Increase cost per click in most search engine. The advertiser cost increases.
·         Reciprocal links continue to drive traffic for as long as the links exists. It's true that you can not expect the same results as from the major search engines, but then again, there are no ongoing costs.
·         Free traffic,  the traffic that comes from established links is essentially free
·         Popularity in search engines
·         Participate in reciprocal link exchange gains a stable links.
·         The more links you have, the greater the "branding" effect for your name
·         A well-structured links page can actually be used to bring people back to your site.
·         Unlike pay-per-click search engines and banner ads, links take only limited management time once they are in place. This is the opposite of pay-per-click, because when you are spending money for each click, you need to constantly stay on top of both your bids and your volume. That is a hidden but very real cost of pay-per-click banners and ads. To assist you in managing your links, our site offers GI Link Manager, free for the downloading.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Enable Subscribe Button in Facebook

Facebook Subscribe button allows you to follow news feeds not only from your friend in Facebook but also for the people who not added you as a friend like celebrities, journalists, some influential people and other people too. By Subscribe button you can choose what updates you will receive from the people you subscribe. There are some options that you can choose like all updates, Most Updates, Only Important and others.

Enable  Subscribe Button in Facebook

Enable your subscribe button will not affect your current friends connect on Facebook. They will always see your currents news updates like as you set in the settings before even they did not subscribe to your updates.

How to configure Subscribe Button on your Facebook Profile

1. Log-in to your Facebook Account

2. Click on the Subscriptions Tab Found on your Profile Page

3. Click allow Subscriptions

4. If you want to enable comments on your news updates turn on the Comments settings on the Edit Subscribers Settings.

5. Choose who you wants to receive your notification updates from the drop down menu under Notifications.

When you successfully enable your Facebook subscribe Button, Facebook will automatically display the number of people who subscribe to your updates.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Deleting your yahoo account permanently

Deleting your yahoo account permanently
Sad to say but there are some users want to delete their yahoo mail accounts for some several personal reasons. Deleting yahoo accounts ussually takes 90 days before it will permanently deleted in yahoo servers. You can still recover the deleted accounts if it was not yet takes 90 days.
Steps on how to delete your yahoo accounts:

1. In your web browser, go to yahoo website and log-in your yahoo mail account
2.  Go to the yahoo delete user link
3. You will now redirected to terminating account window link
4.  You will be ask to log-in again, enter your account password at the bottom part of the page
5. Enter the verification code found at the bottom of the page to verify that you are sure to delete the account
5. Click "Yes" terminate this account

You will wait for a 90 days period to allow yahoo to permanently delete your account.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Customize Links and Menus in your Windows Computer Start Menu

Customize Links and Menus in your Windows Computer Start Menu

Start menu was the collection of links and shortcuts that we ussually using. There are some shortsuts that automatically added when upon  installation of applications, and others was manually added by a user. But you can customize what will appear in your start menu. By deafult these are some of the Links that can be found in your start menu, My documents, My Pictures, My music, My Computer, Network Places, Control Panel, Printers and Devices, Help and support. These menus are also depens of the version of your Operationg system. for example Windows XP menus may differ from windows Vista and Windows 7 in some ways.
Hiding and Showing Items and Links in start Menu:
1.    Right Click  task bar, task bar is a bar usually located at the bottom of your Screen on in your Windows computer start menu
2.    Select Properties
Customize Links and Menus in your Windows Computer Start Menu

3.    On Task bar and Start Menu Properties window navigate to "Start" Menu Tab.
4.    Click Customized Button found at the upper potrion of the window
Customize Links and Menus in your Windows Computer Start Menu

5.    Check the Radio Button of the Items you want to hide or show in your start menu for example, I want to Hide a "My Computer" Link on my computers start menu so I click the radio button for "Don't display this item"
Customize Links and Menus in your Windows Computer Start Menu

6.    Click Ok

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Assigning default program to open a specific file type

Specific file types have a default program that handle it, for example when I double click a picture or any image that have an extension file of .jpeg, .tiff, .png it will automatically opens into a Microsoft Office Picture Manager Application and not in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer because my default program to handle those file types was set to a default in Microsoft Office Picture Manager Application .
Another example is my computer was installed with Microsoft Office Word application and I decided also so install Open Office Word Application and did not noticed some options during the installations.  Upon installation it was set that Open Office Word Application will be a default program for the .doc documents that supposedly opens in Microsoft Outlook. So everytime that i double click my .doc documents saved in my computer it was automatically opens in a Open Office Word Application.
There was a way to open those file for the program you wants to open it by right click on the file, select open with and chose the program you wants to handle the file. But this way will takes some time to open a specific file. The easiest way is to set a default to handle the specific file type.

Steps in Setting-up an application to handle a specific file type:
1.    Right click on the file, for example image
2.    Select "Open With" in the options given
3.    Select "choose program" at bottom or last option
Assigning default program to open a specific file type

4.    Select the program or application that you want to set as your default program.
Assigning default program to open a specific file type

5.    Check the checkbox “Always use the selected program to open this kind of file”
Assigning default program to open a specific file type

6.    Click OK

You can check if the setting you made was effective by double click the file you want to open

Monday, May 7, 2012

How to link your facebook chat on yahoo messenger 11

How to link your facebook chat on yahoo messenger 11

Add your Facebook chat in Yahoo Messenger 11 application and begin chatting with your friend and contacts in your facebook account using yahoo messenger. This must be one of the most convenient way of sending instant message with your friends both in Facebook and Yahoo messenger.

There are two ways of connecting Facebook to to Yahoo Messenger:

1. Click the Link to Facebook banner within the main window
How to link your facebook chat on yahoo messenger 11

2. Open the Messenger >  Preferences > Connected Networks tab and then click the Add Facebook button.

  • Once you have linked your Yahoo! and Facebook accounts, you can use the following procedure to sign in to, or out of, Facebook Chat:
How to link your facebook chat on yahoo messenger 11

  • Click the Messenger menu, or right-click the Facebook Friends contact group.
  • Select Sign in to Facebook Chat or Sign out of Facebook Chat.
  • When you are signed in to Facebook chat, double-click a Facebook friend's name to start a conversation.

How to link your facebook chat on yahoo messenger 11

Additional Reminders:
1. When chatting along with your Facebook friends through Yahoo! Messenger 11, you will appear as "Online" in your your friends' Facebook Chat window. However, Facebook users won't have any indication that the person they are chatting with on Facebook is using a non-Facebook client.

2. If you have selected to archive your Yahoo! Messenger conversations, be aware that conversations together with your Facebook friends won't be stored in your Yahoo! Messenger archives

3. You can only link your Facebook account to Yahoo! account at a time. In case you try to link it to a second account, you will get a message stating that the account is already linked. You need to unlink the current account before linking a different Yahoo! account to the same Facebook user account.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Design your wedding invitations with free download vector graphics

Wedding day is one of the most important day of your life, in this day everyone of us want this special day a perpect one that cannot be forget for a lifetime.  Couples also wants that their wedding invitation is the best design of all.  Picking a design for your weeding invitation is quit hard. Searching for the best backgrounds and elements of the lay-out was also one of the problems of the wedding invitation designers.
Vector Graphic Blog has a wide options of designs for your wedding invitations. They have a lot of resources of vector and layered graphics  to download and good news, its free.

Let's start with the Wedding invitation templates with ornaments vector
Design your wedding invitations with free download vector graphics

Set of 8 vector wedding invitation templates and cards with decorative ornaments this includes invitation cards, place card, reception card, RSVP, thank you, save the date and wine labels.
Design your wedding invitations with free download vector graphics

5 sets with different vector wedding invitation templates with roses and brougham in vintage decorative style.

Design your wedding invitations with free download vector graphics

Set of 6 vector wedding invitation backgrounds for your cards with flowers, golden rings, bride and groom
Design your wedding invitations with free download vector graphics

3 sets with vector wedding vintage decorative frames and floral ornate borders in classic style for your elegant wedding invitation cards, menus and decoration
Design your wedding invitations with free download vector graphics

Set of 16 vector decorative wedding invitation cards and set of wedding design elements for your own cards and graphic designs

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