Saturday, August 25, 2012

Microsoft Changes its Corporate Logo After 25 Years

Microsoft reveals its new corporate logo that changes their old logo for 25 years. From a simple one color logo to a more colorful logo design.

Microsoft New Logo Design
Microsoft New Logo Design

Microsoft Old Logo Design
Microsoft Old Logo Design

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hard Disk RMA from Seagate: Recieve my Replacement Hard Drive in 6 Days FREE

I was amazed in the service that Seagate given in my hard disk that I send to them for RMA. I received my replacement drive with-in 6 days from Philippines to Singapore.

Hard Disk RMA from Seagate: Recieve my Replacement Hard Drive in 6 Days FREE

I applied for a RMA in Seagate Website, after several minutes I receive a confirmation of my RMA Application.

I send my two units defective drive in UPS in Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

I receive a confirmation email that Seagate receive my defective drive in Singapore.

I receive an email states that Seagate have already  ship back the replacement drive to Philippines.

I receive the replacement drive delivered send by UPS.

It was my first time to send a defective drive for RMA to Seagate. Thanks Seagate for the best service.

Worried to Forget Something? Create Your Customized Checklist Online: Online Checklist Creator

Why worry to forget something if you can create your customized checklist fast and easy online using online checklist creator from Online Checklist Creator Online Checklist Creator

You can select categories based in your interests and needs, from a simple categories to a tough one. It offer categories like Actions, Appliances, Cleaning, Child Care, Computers and many more. You can also select categories from home, health, people, travel, fun and money.

Categories Under Fun from
Categories Under Fun from 

Sample Checklist from
Sample Checklist from

Thursday, August 9, 2012

End Your Struggle in Manual Conversion - Convert Length, Volume, Area, Weight, and Temperature Online Fast and Easy

Why struggle in converting length, volume, area weight and temperature using manual computation and conversion? You are still using manual calculator in conversion of units? Why you are still using these methods if you can do it online fast and easy. A lot of websites today offers free online unit conversion . You just input your given unit and you can get your desired converted unit fast and easy.

End Your Struggle in Manual Conversion - Convert Length, Volume, Area, Weight, and Temperature Online Fast and Easy

Here are some of the websites offer online conversion. This is the one one of my favorite online converter. Metric Online Converter from Globefeed.

End Your Struggle in Manual Conversion - Convert Length, Volume, Area, Weight, and Temperature Online Fast and Easy

End Your Struggle in Manual Conversion - Convert Length, Volume, Area, Weight, and Temperature Online Fast and Easy
Onlive unit converter from Globefeed

Here is another one online conversion service from 
End Your Struggle in Manual Conversion - Convert Length, Volume, Area, Weight, and Temperature Online Fast and Easy
Online unit converter from convert-me

Another great online unit converter from

End Your Struggle in Manual Conversion - Convert Length, Volume, Area, Weight, and Temperature Online Fast and Easy
Online unit converter from 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Decode, Generate and Create your Customized QR Code Online with QR Generator

QR Code or Quick Response Code is a mobile phone readable barcode that has been popularized and seen most on websites, flyers, and bussiness cards. Using this code mobile phones can save the information and weblinks being encoded in a particular QR code using QR code decoder application. 

What is QR code?
Wikipedia defines it as A QR Code is a matrix code (or two-dimensional bar code) created by Japanese corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. The "QR" is derived from "Quick Response", as the creator intended the code to allow its contents to be decoded at high speed. Although initially used for tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR Codes are now used in a much broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at mobile phone users.
Read more on wikipedia>>>

How can I create my own QR Code?
There are lot of website nowadays offering free decoding and generating of your QR code where you can customized what you want to save in your QR code. You can either save your website links, company information, personal information and other information.

Here is one of the simple QR generator;

Generated QR code of using QR Code Generator from 

Customized QR code of
You can also create custom colors and design of your QR code using QR code Designer applications. Changing its QR colors, inserting logos and images, inserting text  and changing color combinations, are what you can do in QR Designer applications.

QR designer application found at

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