Why Post Your Ads on Locanto?
Free Ads Posting. Most people want free, in Locanto you can post free ads with any single cent to pay. Like other free ad posting site you can also have your ads to be premium and be on top of the listing, but it has a corresponding payment.

Alexa Rank. Locanto.ph have s global rank of 98,885 and rank in the Philippines at 542 as of this date. And Locanto.com the worldwide website of Locanto.ph have 7,287 global rank and 921 Rank in India where it was originated.
Google Page Rank. we know that Google page rank or PR rank was important for website as one of the aspects in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Locanto.ph has a Page Rank 4 (PR4) which means it is more visible in search engine especially to Google compare to other free ads posting sites.
User Friendly. In Locanto you can sign up easily and post your ads in a minute. Unlike other Free ads posting site that you will waits for hours for administrator approval before your ad will be added in their website, in Locanto.ph it will be posted automatically.